
The Comments I Made After Awesome Car Funmaker's Last Show.

As we have witnessed Awesome Car Funmaker's last show, I would like to make a remission on the behalf of Ryan Corcoran. According to an article from the Isthmus, the name Awesome Car Funmaker came from some notion Justin had while in the bathroom... probably checking his glucose levels because he's a dirty diabetic.

This is untrue, not the diabetes, the name story. I used to be in ACF and have the story of the actual origin. I wanted the name of the group to be Funmaker because I was denied acceptance to an Indian pow-wow drum group because my last name was not Funmaker.

Funmaker. Rather common surname if you're Ho-Chunk, rather comical if you're not.

Myself, Ryan, Brendan and Justin all agreed Funmaker was a fantastic name. Andy Ioudechescu, the not Adam drummer, was the hold out on the name.

Andy was into racing and souped up cars. He owned a Beamer and a VW when we started the band.

I wanted to win him over on Funmaker, so I affixed Awesome Car on there to sweeten the deal and also to call him out as a douchebag. Well, the name stuck.

I lived, loved, toured and, honestly, adored these guys for a very long time. I met Brendan because he did an article on me for school. Let me reiterate that; I met him because he wrote about me for a class. That is unbearably endearing.

In closing, to quote ACF:

It is easier to leave than to be left.

But to also quote them:

Throw another log into the fire; the fire. Dinosaur. Roar, Roar, Roar.

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